Home Birth and breastfeeding stories

Birth and breastfeeding stories

Irish-born Stephen tells us about the births of his two children, born in 2015 and 2017 in Brussels.
Woman reclined on bed with smiling baby resting in her lap

Alice’s birth in Le Cocon

Having given birth to her first child in Canada, Christina Reinards chose the Le Cocon midwife-led unit in Erasme hospital for the birth of her daughter, Alice. Here, she recounts the birth, outlines some of the advantages of natural birth, and shares her experience of those advantages.

Madelief’s birth

When you've already given birth once, you should know exactly what to do, and when, the second time, right? Not so simple actually! As mum-of-two Elizabeth Boorman tells us in this story of the birth of her second baby, Madelief.
Siobhan's first two births were induced 10 days after the expected due date. So waking up to contractions just 7 days after Callum's due date was a much-welcome surprise. Within 3 hours, Callum was born.
Kasia Ortiz knew that her third child would need to be born via cesarean. In this article, she shares how finding the right medical team meant she could make her medically-needed cesarean as natural as possible.
Violaine Carnoy tells about the births of her three children - now aged 16, 14 and 12 - who were all born premature.
Brazilian doula and mum-of-two, Thainy Macêdo, always knew she wanted to have her second child at home, and had a dream team of her husband, mum, doula and Zwanger in Brussel midwives, ready to support her. Here she shares the story of her son Kaël's beautiful birth, in words and pictures. Enjoy!!
With the hope of inspiring other expectant parents, mum Emma shares the story of the homebirth of her second child, where she was supported by midwife team Zwanger in Brussel.
Zwanger in Brussel midwife shares the story of the birth of her first child, her daughter Cécile. With an induction almost on the cards, Hanne knew that her baby would find her own way. A beautiful homebirth, surrounded by her partner and colleagues.
As soon as Brussels-based American mum Emily Gold found out she was pregnant for the first time, she knew she wanted to give birth at home. Emily shares the story of Marcus' birth.